My Purchases

Adding a New Product or New Purchase

Type in a new purchase product  

Please Note: If you purchase the same product from different primary producers, we recommend using the product name first followed by a 2 or 3 letter/number to identify.

eg Beef Cattle LJ (LJ is initial of producer) or Beef Cattle M4 (M4 is the meat grade)

Purchase direct from the Primary Producer just add in the Primary Producer and leave the “Purchased from” field blank.

If your “Primary Producer” or “Purchased from” does not autocomplete you may need to “Add New Business”

New Business

Required fields – Business Name and location Country, State, Suburb.

As adding a New Business takes you back to the start of the form you may want to attempt the autocomplete and add, if necessary, if you suspect you will need to add new Businesses


Add New Product or Purchase

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Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database